EAA 2024 – Call for Papers: Capacity Building for FAIR Data Sharing and Digital Preservation
(Session 381, Discussion with formal abstracts) More than other disciplines, archaeology relies on the proper collection, documentation and publication of data because of excavations being an inherently destructive methodology. Moreover, research progress relies strongly on [...]
SHADE Kick-off Meeting, Brussels
The SHADE COST Innovators Grant kick-off meeting was held in Brussels on the 1st December to start the planning process for the future of the ARIADNE AISBL. After a quick introduction by Julian Richards, Franco [...]
ARIADNE Papers published in Internet Archaeology
This special issue of Internet Archaeology presents some of the achievements of the European infrastructure projects, ARIADNEplus (2019-22) and the preceding ARIADNE initiative (2013-17), with additional contributions from members of the COST Action SEADDA (2019-23). These [...]
ATRIUM proposal successful for Humanities infrastructures
The ARIADNE RI has won further funding with the proposal Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities (ATRIUM) – awarded through the HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions. ATRIUM will exploit and strengthen complementarities between [...]
EAA 2024 Conference – Call for Sessions open
EAA 2024 will be hosted by the Sapienza University of Rome from the 28th-31st August 2024. The Call for Sessions opened on 18th September and will close on the 9th November 2023. The chosen conference [...]
Out of Africa Database (ROAD) article published in PLOS ONE
The ROCEEH Out of Africa Database (ROAD): A large-scale research database serves as an indispensable tool for human evolutionary studies. The ROCEEH project have had a paper published in PLOS ONE which details the conception, [...]