Vocabulary mapping for archaeological infrastructure
ARIADNE RI members Ceri Binding and Doug Tudhope from the University of South Wales have had a research article published in the Journal of Information Science. "Vocabulary mapping for archaeological infrastructure" draws on their work [...]
Researchers’ access to data – DSA public consultation open
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the draft delegated act on access to online platform data for vetted researchers under the Digital Services Act (DSA). This concerns researchers' access to data from [...]
The ATRIUM Researcher Survey needs you!
Are you a researcher from the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences? The ATRIUM Project needs your participation in our Researcher Survey! ATRIUM is conducting a survey to assess the skills needed for the use of [...]
ARIADNE and other RIs join E-RIHS for 20 year celebration event
The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Implementation Phase project (E-RIHS IP) held a public event on the 24th September to celebrate its upcoming successful conclusion and 20 years of E-RIHS activity. E-RIHS is about to [...]
EOSC Symposium 2024
The EOSC Symposium 2024 will be a critical event on the path to EOSC post-2027. It is a key event to network and exchange ideas with policy makers, funders, and representatives of research institutions, research [...]
Call for papers: CAA Session 19 – Reusable Digital Research Workflows for Archaeology
A joint session organised by ARIADNE and DARIAH has been accepted by CAA 2025 which is being held in Athens, Greece on 5th-9th May 2025. Reusable Digital Research Workflows for Archaeology focuses of the work [...]