
Registration open for ECHOES Policy and Communities Onboarding Event

ECHOES Announces High-Level Policy Event and Workshop to Launch the Cultural Heritage Cloud  The ECHOES consortium, in partnership with the European Commission, is proud to announce two pivotal events centred around the future of cultural heritage in the digital age. These events will take place on 12-13 December 2024 at [...]

Registration open for ECHOES Policy and Communities Onboarding Event2024-12-10T17:24:03+01:00

Vocabulary mapping for archaeological infrastructure

ARIADNE RI members Ceri Binding and Doug Tudhope from the University of South Wales have had a research article published in the Journal of Information Science. "Vocabulary mapping for archaeological infrastructure" draws on their work from the ARIADNE and ARIADNEplus projects which is now continuing with the ARIADNE RI via [...]

Vocabulary mapping for archaeological infrastructure2024-11-05T14:08:04+01:00

Researchers’ access to data – DSA public consultation open

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the draft delegated act on access to online platform data for vetted researchers under the Digital Services Act (DSA). This concerns researchers' access to data from Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPs) and Search Engines and follows an initial public consultation from [...]

Researchers’ access to data – DSA public consultation open2024-11-01T16:54:34+01:00

The ATRIUM Researcher Survey needs you!

Are you a researcher from the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences? The ATRIUM Project needs your participation in our Researcher Survey!  ATRIUM is conducting a survey to assess the skills needed for the use of research services and tools, namely the ones available in the ATRIUM Catalogue. Some require very specific skills, [...]

The ATRIUM Researcher Survey needs you!2024-10-28T10:37:45+01:00

ARIADNE and other RIs join E-RIHS for 20 year celebration event

The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Implementation Phase project (E-RIHS IP) held a public event on the 24th September to celebrate  its upcoming successful conclusion and 20 years of E-RIHS activity. E-RIHS is about to become European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) based in Florence with the support of the Fondazione [...]

ARIADNE and other RIs join E-RIHS for 20 year celebration event2024-10-14T11:36:01+02:00

Call for papers: CAA Session 19 – Reusable Digital Research Workflows for Archaeology

A joint session organised by ARIADNE and DARIAH has been accepted by CAA 2025 which is being held in Athens, Greece on 5th-9th May 2025. Reusable Digital Research Workflows for Archaeology focuses of the work being undertaken in the ATRIUM Project. The deadline for submissions has been extended and is [...]

Call for papers: CAA Session 19 – Reusable Digital Research Workflows for Archaeology2024-10-29T16:22:34+01:00

EAA Session 381: Capacity Building for FAIR Data Sharing and Digital Preservation

Capacity Building for FAIR Data Sharing and Digital Preservation Abstract Session theme: 2. Archaeological Sciences, Humanities and the Digital era: Bridging the Gaps Session organisers: Rose, Thomas (Forschungsbereich Archäometallurgie, Leibniz-Forschungsmuseum für Georessourcen/Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum) - Richards, Julian (Archaeology Data Service, University of York) - Giaccari, Matteo (Department of Earth Sciences, [...]

EAA Session 381: Capacity Building for FAIR Data Sharing and Digital Preservation2024-10-14T10:33:19+02:00

ECHOES Launch event off to a good start

The ECHOES public launch event was held on Monday the 9th September and was a great success with over 300 people attending both in person at the Castle of Chambord, Loir-et-Cher, France and online (via Zoom).  There were several speakers with two very inspiring key note presentations from Sally Chambers [...]

ECHOES Launch event off to a good start2024-09-16T14:24:30+02:00
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