Following the kick-off meeting of ATRIUM at the end of January, several foundation tasks are under way such as preparation of the Data Management Plan and the internal Dissemination and Communication Plan. A Grant Agreement is in progress to add the University of Coimbra as an affiliated entity. The dissemination team have been hard at work, producing the ATRIUM logo and colour scheme, creating a communications kit with these and launching the website. In addition, a project flyer (in English) has been produced for partners to take to events with them, the first of these being the OPERAS Conference in April. Translations are planned so each partner can have the flyer in their native language.

One of the novel aspects of ATRIUM is the involvement of the non-professional communities, these being citizens involved in metal detecting, rock art recording, NURNET (the Nuragi civilisation of Sardinia) and the Pelagios Network who work to connect historical data for places, people and time periods with Open Linked Data. The survey to determine their requirements from ATRIUM is now ready to roll out.

One of underlying research activities is to investigate and improve the semantic interoperability of the data held by the participating RIs so work has started on compiling an inventory of schemas, ontologies and vocabularies used by the different domains. Likewise, analysis and experimentation of sample datasets is also under way.

Responses to the Skills Assessment survey had exceeded 75% with a couple of weeks to go to the deadline. A Researcher Forum about GoTriple (a Portal for resources and people in the Social Sciences and the Humanities) is planned for the Autumn (in Poznan, Poland) and work has started on the guidelines for the ATRIUM Curriculum.

The first TNA Call closed at the end of May. The Summer Schools have attracted 61 participants with the Czech event on the topic of re-use and interoperability of archaeological data proving to be extremely popular.  A further 14 students have signed up for individual visits spread across a number of institutions.

Finally, ATRIUM co-hosted a workshop with the SSH Open Marketplace Editorial Team on the theme of “Workflows: Digital Methods for Reproducible Research Practices in the Arts and Humanities” on the 18th June at the DARIAH Annual event in Lisbon.  Participants were introduced to the SSH Open Marketplace discovery service, and for ATRIUM in particular, to discuss resources featured in the project’s tools & services catalogue.

ARIADNE will be present at EAA 2024 in Rome at the end of August where we can tell you more about our activities in ATRIUM.