This special issue of Internet Archaeology presents some of the achievements of the European infrastructure projects, ARIADNEplus (2019-22) and the preceding ARIADNE initiative (2013-17), with additional contributions from members of the COST Action SEADDA (2019-23). These consist of an Introduction and 15 papers from contributors based in Europe, South America and Japan which covers topics such as the preparation and aggregation of the metadata, the tools for searching the ARIADNE Catalogue and the types of data it contains, semantic modelling and ontology development.
The volume originates from a conference session co-organised by Edeltraud Aspöck, Guntram Geser and Julian Richards, at the international conference ‘Cultural Heritage and New Technologies’ (CHNT) held in Vienna in November 2022. The papers presented there have been extensively revised, and some additional ones have been commissioned. They represent a wide range of activities, and illustrate some of the impacts of ARIADNE across heritage management and research.