The ARIADNE RI has joined the SSHOC Open Cluster and will be represented by Prof. Julian Richards (ADS, University of York).
SSHOC is taking the lead in realising the Social Sciences and Arts and Humanities part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It is led by the key EU funded research infrastructures, including the five ERICs (CESSDA, CLARIN, DARIAH, ESS, and SHARE), and also includes E-RIHS, OPERAS, EHRI, GGP, GUIDE and RESILIENCE, so it is entirely appropriate that the ARIADNE RI should now be included in this group to represent the archaeology domain. Amongst ARIADNE RI members, DANS, ADS and FORTH are already also members of the SSHOC Open Cluster in their own right.
The original SSHOC Project (2018-2022) has developed a wide range of resources which cover various aspects of the Social Sciences and Arts and Humanities and which may also be of use to archaeologists. These include the SSH Training Discovery Toolkit, the Social Sciences & Humanities Open Marketplace (for tools and services for researchers) and its own training resources such as videos and events. One of the stated SSHOC aims for the EOSC is maximising data reuse through Open Science and the FAIR Principles which fits very well with the ARIADNE RI objectives.