This paper by ROCEEH describes the conception, development and design of the Out of Africa Database (ROAD), a large-scale data management tool that enables the collection, management, analysis and presentation of data for researchers studying the deep history of early humans and their environments. It is the largest database of its kind, covering Africa and Eurasia with a time depth from 3,000,000 to 20,000 years ago. A total of 8,589 records from ROAD have been published in the ARIADNE Portal, each one corresponding to a site/monument resource.
ARIADNEplus has updated the series of Guides to Good Practice so that they can be used by anyone who has to deal with the types of data covered as well some further updates to bring them up to date. Each Good Practice Guide is available as a PDF for downloading and the data types covered are documents and digital texts, databases and spreadsheets, digital audio, digital video, photogrammetry, raster and vector images.
Binding, C and Tudhope, D. 2023. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, 6(1): 24–39.
This paper describes expressing different textual patterns of year spans (dates, centuries, year spans, periods, etc in different languages) as numeric start/end dates. It discusses applications from ARIADNE and ARIADNEplus (ADS XML data records) in applying to new patterns and languages.
Deep Data Example: Zbiva, Early Medieval Data Set for the Eastern Alps
The article, published in Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences describes a dataset which is available in the Portal. It highlights some of the issues with maintaining complex (FAIR) archaeological datasets.
Virtual Workshop on Semantic Mapping of Archaeological Excavation Data
This report, the outcome of Sub-task 4.4.12, documents a virtual workshop held on the 15th June 2022 consisting of nine presentations and discussions concerning the semantic mapping of excavation data. It presents an overview of the current research environment and the main elements required for a potential roadmap to the item-level integration of relevant datasets.
An analysis of spatial data and how it can be integrated into the AO-CAT
This report summarises the findings from Sub-task 4.4.10 which analysed in which form(s) spatial-temporal data is stored by the individual ARIADNEplus partners and how it can be integrated into the ARIADNE Catalogue (AO-Cat) at the item level. Annexe 1 and Annexe 2 are provided as Excel files for readability purposes.
This book is a collection of seventeen papers which describe the impact that the ARIADNE project and its successor, ARIADNEplus (2019-2022) have had on the archaeological community, both in Europe and further afield. Each case study has been contributed by organisations involved in the ARIADNE Infrastructure who cover many countries from across Europe as well as Argentina and Japan. These papers were originally presented at the CAA Conference in Krakow, April 2019 and cover aspects such as data management, application of standards and guidelines, the use of CIDOC-CRM and Open Data to name but a few.
Guidelines to FAIRify data management and make data reusable [EN]
This compact guide offers twenty guidelines to align the efforts of data producers, data archivists and data users in humanities and social sciences to make research data as reusable as possible based upon the FAIR Principles. Each guideline has recommendations for both researchers and archives as it is recognised that different priorities may apply to each case. Originally developed in the PARTHENOS Project, ARIADNEplus is providing more translations in order to reach the wider archaeological community. The following language versions are available for downloading:
- PARTHENOS Recommandations pour FAIRiser vos données [FR]
- PARTHENOS Leitfaden zur “FAIRifizierung” des Datenmanagements und der Ermöglichung der Nachnutzung von Daten [DE]
- PARTHENOS Οδηγίες για την εφαρμογή των αρχών FAIR στη διαχείριση και επανάχρηση δεδομένων [EL]
- PARTHENOS A tudományos adatok újrafelhasználhatóságának és FAIR kezelésének irányelvei [HU]
- PARTHENOS Linee guida per l’applicazione dei principi FAIR alla gestione e al riuso dei dati [IT]
- Diretrizes para aplicação dos princípios FAIR à gestão e reutilização de dados [PT]
- Veri Yönetimi ve verinin yeniden kullanımı için FAIR Prensipleri Rehberi [TR]
- ZÁSADY zajištení FAIRové správy a využitelnosti dat [CZ]
ARIADNEplus Aggregation Workshop
Report from the first aggregation workshop held at CNR, Pisa 13-14 May 2019 which focussed on data providers of sites and monuments inventories and archaeological intervention/event records.
Workshop: Digital Infrastructures for Archaeology: Past, Present and Future directions
This report summarises the presentations from the CAA 2019 ARIADNEplus workshop held on Wednesday 24th April: each presentation illustrates how ARIADNEplus impacts practices, tools and services from the contributing partners and links are provided to PDF versions of each presentation.