Making Training Materials Matter: Introducing the FAIR-by-Design Methodology

All researchers are welcome to this webinar jointly organised by two European projects: Skills4EOSC , which aims to create a network of competence centres to speed up the training of European researchers for scientific data management, and the ATRIUM Project , which bridges leading research infrastructures across Europe to improve data services, tools, and resources in digital humanities and archaeology.

This session will outline the methodology for FAIR-by-design production of learning materials. Hosted by Sonja Filiposka (see bio below) the webinar will demonstrate a key six-stage workflow for ensuring training materials adhere to FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable.

This webinar is ideal for researchers who want to learn more about best practices and tools for the development of FAIR learning materials, use definitions of metadata schemas for training materials, improve the quality and impact of their learning resources, and publish in relevant repositories and training catalogues.

Date: Friday 14th March

Time: 10:00-12:30 CET

Method of delivery: via Zoom.

Further information and registration: