The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Implementation Phase project (E-RIHS IP) held a public event on the 24th September to celebrate  its upcoming successful conclusion and 20 years of E-RIHS activity. E-RIHS is about to become European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) based in Florence with the support of the Fondazione CR Firenze.

The public event was organised by the E-RIHS IP project coordinator, the Institute for Heritage Science of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR ISPC), in collaboration with Fondazione CR Firenze. The morning sessions featured presentations from E-RIHS IP partners, National Nodes representatives, stakeholders, and institutions discussing project outcomes and future directions.

Julian Richards introducing ARIADNE at E-RIHS 20 celebration event 24 Sept 2024

Julian Richards presenting ARIADNE

The afternoon focused on E-RIHS’s role in the digital and research infrastructure ecosystem and its contributions  to foster cooperation and strengthen the heritage science community in Europe and beyond, showcasing achievements, updates from partner institutions, and discussions on sustainability and socio-economic impacts. 

The first session, E-RIHS in the Research Infrastructure Ecosystem Part 1, featured speakers from Social Science RIs – European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities (EASSH), Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA ERIC), and Social Sciences and Humanities Open Science Cloud Cluster (SSHOC), Xavier Rodier for European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science (ECHOES) and two RIs with a scientific focus, Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) and The European Synchrotron
Radiation Facility (ESRF).

The second session (Part 2), featured the RIs involved in ATRIUM – DARIAH ERIC, CLARIN ERIC, OPERAS and Julian Richards for ARIADNE.  Each of the RIs and ECHOES presented their work and the increasing collaboration that is happening between the RIs in both the Cultural Heritage and Scientific areas along with other European Commission such as the EOSC and the European Data Space. The establishment of E-RIHS as an ERIC is a further step towards Cultural Heritage being recognised as an important part of the whole European research infrastructure community.

The full programme:

E-RIHS programme 20 yr celebration event 24 Sept

Celebrating 20 years of E-RIHS access programme