The ARIADNE RI has won further funding with the proposal Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities (ATRIUM) – awarded through the HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions. ATRIUM will exploit and strengthen complementarities between leading European Humanities infrastructures: DARIAH, ARIADNE, CLARIN and OPERAS in order to provide vastly improved access to a rich portfolio of state-of-the-art services available to researchers across countries, languages, domains and media, building on a shared understanding and interoperability principles established in the SSHOC cluster project (which the ARIADNE RI recently joined) and other previous collaborations.
Arts and Humanities is a very diverse field, covering a range of disciplines and communities of practice that have different research objectives and ways of working. For example, an archaeologist and an art historian studying a Mycenaean fresco will have distinct goals and use different approaches to describing their objects of research. Consequently, research infrastructures in this domain must cater to a very wide range of stakeholders and offer services that cut across discipline-specific boundaries. ATRIUM aims to make a groundbreaking contribution to the consolidation and expansion of services, including data services, specifically in the field of archaeology, while, on the other hand, facilitating access to a wide array of essential text, image and sound-based services that benefit a number of other disciplines within the Arts and Humanities, and cover all phases of the research data lifecycle (creating, processing, analysing, preserving, providing access to and reusing).
Led by DARIAH, the project has 29 partners and affiliates from 14 countries across Europe. The role of the ARIADNE RI is to provide the archaeological research and technology infrastructure, participate in the testing and validation of approaches and ideas and to actively promote to and engage with stakeholders. More specifically, ARIADNE will lead the research on semantic interoperability with the Portal catalogue and services featuring strongly in many of the proposed developments as well as contributing to the overall dissemination and impact evaluation of ATRIUM.
The project will start in early 2024.